WorkAbility I

Tammie Inumerable
Employment Development Specialist
Phone: 619-796-7544
Fax: 619-796-7545

The Mission of  WorkAbility I

The mission of WorkAbility I is to promote the involvement of key stakeholders including students, families, educators, employers and other agencies in planning and implementing an array of services that will culminate in successful student transition to employment, lifelong learning and quality of life.

History of Workability I

WorkerDownsSyndrome-199x300The California Department of Education completed a two – year study in 1981 that provided substantive information concerning the status of vocational programs for students with disabilities. Results of the study indicated that these students were not being adequately prepared for the labor market

WorkAbility I was initiated in November 1981 as a pilot project to test the concept of work experience for youth with disabilities.

WorkAbility I continues to successfully conduct interagency coordination of services which began with a September 1982 Employment Development Department, State Department of Rehabilitation and California Department of Education non-financial interagency agreement.

In July 1999, a Task Force of WorkAbility I practitioners was organized to align WorkAbility with state and federal transition initiatives for you and disabilities. As of August 2002, WorkAbility has funded high school and middle school programs.

Through a designation as one of the ten best transition programs of its type in the United State, WorkAbility 1 has received national recognition of its success in matching young adults with disabilities with employers who need workers.

Vision of WorkAbility I

The Vision of the California Department of Education, Special Education Division is to enable all individuals with disabilities to successfully participate in a program which will prepare them for the workplace and independent living.

Searching For Experience?

mentor_volunteer-300x200It’s a Fact! Volunteers gain experience and learn new skills through their activities in the community. Volunteers acquire a sense of personal satisfaction. They learn about community issues and concerns, improve their leadership and interpersonal skills, and build credentials for their resumes. Volunteering is also a great opportunity to meet new people and have fun! A study conducted by University of Michigan found those who volunteered up to 40 hours a year lived an average of eight years longer than those who didn’t. If you are looking for ways to enhance your career, and give something back to your community learn more about the volunteer experience.

Why Volunteer?
If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day, go fishing.
If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.
Chinese Proverb


If you are looking for worldwide opportunities to help people, this site has thousands of volunteer, internship, and jobs openings in the non-profit sector.
Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us everyday. Sally Koch


Scholarship Opportunities

  • Scholarship Name:  Brooks Law Group Scholarship

Brooks Law Group also provides a $ 1,000 car accident injury scholarship to any high school senior or current undergraduate student, in the U.S. college or university, which will be beneficiary for students. Apply at:

  • Scholarship Name: Dirk Derrick Car & Truck Accident Injury Scholarship

 A $1,000 Scholarship For Those Affected By Auto Accidents

Apply at: just committed to run an annual $1000 for the current or soon-to-be undergrad who have had their life altered due to a bodily injury from an automotive or pedestrian accident, be it their own injury, that of a loved one, or an influential individual. Check out the scholarship we just rolled out for students. You may also continue reading for further details & here is a link:

  • Scholarship Name: Certa Law Personal Injury & Wrongful Death Scholarship

Minimum eligibility requirements: The Certa Law Personal Injury & Wrongful Death Scholarship is open to any high school or University student in the world.

Application deadline: December 15th each year

Award amount: $1,000

  • Scholarship Name: Best Colleges – This guide breaks down the best scholarship platforms and instructs users on how to use them effectively to find as many opportunities as possible. You can see the entire guide along with some of its features.

Apply at: 

  • Scholarship Name:  Fast Web – Fastweb is the largest source of free scholarship assistance. Over 1.3 million scholarships are featured (worth over $3 billion). It is based on a questionnaire you fill out about yourself

Apply at:

  • More Scholarships: – Boom and Bucket Equipment Student Scholarship Program worth $1,000  – Annual Scholarship worth $2,000 –  Education Reference Desk Annual Scholarship – $1,000 Award – The Best Scholarship Websites to Fund Your Education – Scholarships for students with disabilities


Students with Special Needs – California Department of Education – Family Involvement & Partnerships – This page highlights the topics and links from other sections of the CDE Web site, which are of particular interest and will provide information, resources and support to parents, guardians and families of children with disabilities. – Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Resources, including a directory of California Regional Centers, for services and supports to children and adults with developmental disabilities are found on this site. – Directory of National Information Sources on Disabilities – California State Resources – This Web site includes state agencies and organizations, disability-specific organizations, parent organizations, and other organizations providing information, referral, or direct services relating to disabilities.

Career Planning – A guide about Bachelor’s degrees in Sports Management to help people understand the different educational offers out there in the field. –  – – Occupational Information Network (O*NET), developed by the U.S. Department of Labor, is the main source of occupational information in the U.S. – The California Career Zone is an interactive Web site designed with students in mind. It provides self assessment instruments, 15 industry sectors with 900 occupations and 300 career videos, a reality check section for financial calculations, a search option for finding your favorite career, and a variety of additional resources. – This site provides career information and resources, including self-assessment, for Californians. – The Keirsey Temperament Sorter II provides insight into your personality or temperament. – The General Educational Development Testing Service Web site provides information about the test, how to take the test, and how to use test results for college applications.

The World of Work – “Job Assistance Guide for People with Disabilities”, published by Thunderbird School of Global Management. This guide provides essential tools, articles, and support networks aimed at helping individuals with disabilities find meaningful employment, along with advice on navigating job searches and building successful careers. – Resumé and Application Tips – A guide to help students learn about healthcare management programs. – We have around 5000 active jobs on the site, great search-and-subscribe functionality, and 37 tech job categories! – A high-quality job board with more than 2 million monthly job seekers. Cleverism  is a pretty unique website, because it focuses on getting unique jobs from prestigious companies and provide the best filtering mechanism, so that job seekers can easily drill down and find relevant jobs. – The State Bar of California Web site is the location for downloading the pamphlet When You Become 18, A Survival Guide for Teenager. – An opportunity for you to post your resume and links to other job search tools are found on this Web site. – Cool Works connects you information about thousands of summer jobs and seasonal jobs in cool places. – This EDD Web site offers a variety of programs and services especially designed for youth to help them find jobs. – Young Workers’ Health and Safety Web site contains the basics about young worker health and safety for both teens and parents and has a downloadable fact sheet “Are You A Working Teen” in both English and Spanish.

Healthy Living and Effective Personal/Social Skills –  The American Heart Association offers practical advice on the roles of diet, exercise, and sleep. – This U.S. government site hosted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has almost unlimited resources related to diseases and healthy living. – Answers, advice, and information about physical and mental health, food and fitness, and drugs and alcohol are offered to teens and parents on this Web site. – This Web site provides materials on effective time management and work and business skills. – This site sponsored by the Search Institute provides information on all aspects of the 40 Developmental Assets

Financial Planning  –   Financial planning calculators and tools for retirement, investing, savings, mortgages, loans, credit and debt calculators and a lot more.– Featuring helpful information on taxes and financial literacy for college students, “8 Key Education Tax Deductions & Credits” by Jackson Hewitt. The resource covers tax credits and deductions college students may not be aware of that can help students reduce the burden of paying for a college education. Included on the page is a short YouTube video featuring Jackson Hewitt’s Chief Tax Information Office, Mark Steber, that covers the information as well. – The Power of Compound Interest: Guide & Calculator – Financial Literacy Handbook -Support Resources for Students With Disabilities – Workers With Disabilities and the ADA – Ways to Pay for College – This is the official California Web site outlining the Cal Grant Programs available free of charge to you. – This Web site will help you fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). It gives directions, deadlines, and discusses Federal student aid programs worth over $33 billion a year. – This is the official Web site for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and contains information about AB 540, immigration, citizenship, and voting rights.

College Affordability Guide – Colleges and Courses

College Planning  10+ Free High School Resume Templates. At Novoresume, our vision is to “fight galactic unemployment.” One way we do this is to develop free, well-researched and non-commercial content to help people with their careers. – a research guide of Best Scholarship Search Platforms. – This Web site provides links to hundreds of U.S. Colleges and Universities offering virtual tours, interactive campus maps, webcams, videos, campus pictures, general information, tuition costs, enrollment statistics, admission requirements, major fields of study, and sports. – This site is a major point of departure to start your college search. – Much information is provided on this site about college searches and evaluation of colleges. – This site provides useful information including college rankings, searching for colleges, college majors, and college planning tools.

College Choices – This Web site links you to all California independent colleges and universities. – This interactive site provides course transfer information for students planning to transfer from a California community college to a UC or CSU. – This is the official Web site of the California Community College System. It offers links to all of the California Community Colleges. – This extensive online site offers assistance to students and their families about the California State University system, including the ability to apply online, and links to all CSU campuses. – A U.S. Department of Education site on finding the “right college for you.” – A comprehensive Web site for college online programs. – This massive Web site offers information regarding admissions, online application, and links to all UC campuses. – This is the official Web site for the U.S. Air Force Academy. It outlines all admission requirements. – On this site, all admission requirements for the United States Military Academy (West Point) are discussed.

Post Secondary Options – This is the official Web site for the California Conservation Corps outlining the programs which are available. – This is the official Web site for careers in the U.S. Military. Numerous links to all military branches are included. – This guide breaks down the best scholarship platforms and instructs users on how to use them effectively to find as many opportunities as possible. You can see the entire guide along with some of its features.

Hits on the WEB – The American College Testing Web site includes registration information, test prep tips, sample questions and score information. – This California State Department of Education Web site provides students with information about Career Technical Education. – This Web site provides the directory for all the Regional Occupational Centers and Programs in California, with links to local program offerings. – The California High School Exit Exam Web site gives information about the content of the exam and requirements for passing as a requirement for obtaining your high school diploma. – The College Board Tests Web site provides test information and links to register online for the SAT I, SAT II Subject Tests, and the PSAT/NMSQT. – Learn about the education requirements for becoming a health administrator – Your guide to a career in health administration