Special Services provides support to families of students served by the SUHSD Special Services Department. This support includes links to resources, upcoming events, and parent meetings.
Parents Outreach Meetings Slides
Eye Doctores that will accept Medical (Doctores de Ojo (Optometristas) que aceptan Medical
2021-22 Parent Outreach Meetings (Powerpoint and Video Presentation)
Best Scholarship Search Platforms – a research guide of Best Scholarship Search Platforms.
Magoosh – a site dedicated to providing the most up-to-date college test preparation resources for exams like – the SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, and more
Parent Resource Distance Learning Website (English)
Website de Recursos del Aprendizaje a Distancia (Español)
Procedural Safeguards (English)
Procedural Safeguards (Aviso de Garantías Procesales en Español)
The Complete Guide to Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
Notice of Procedural Safeguard – English
Notice of Procedural Safeguard (Aviso de Garantías Procesales) – Spanish